Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Can't Do It!

I took down my sew-in last night with the help of my stylist. My plan was to get a blow out, trim and flat iron next week in time for my birthday. I'm currently 4 months post relaxer and my new growth is getting all tangled up with my relaxed hair! Its so annoying! Even after i spent hours in the bathroom detangling, I'm still finding new tangles. Last night, I detangled and put my hair into 6 braids so that I can have a easy wash day in the morning. I washed, did a light protein treatment and deep conditioned my hair while it was still in the braids. After washing, I took the braids down and detangled once more with my head under the shower head, just to make sure everything was all detangled. I couldn't air dry, because I know how my shrinkage gets. When I get shrinkage, its almost impossible for me to do anything with my hair because it always somehow finds a way to get tangled. So I opted to blow dry on cool air so that I can do some cornrows with my hair in order to wear my new wig. I started washing my hair this morning at 11:30AM...tell me why is it 1:48AM and I'm still doing my hair?? This is crazy! While I was blow drying my hair, I found 3 big dreadlocks in the back of my head. This area is the most kinkiest. I spent hours finger detangling my hair and I'm still not done!

I'm changing my plans. Originally, I said I would relax in October at 9 months post. I cant even handle my hair while its 4 months post so I cant even imagine detangling it at 9 months. I work 6 days a week so that leaves me with 1 off day, Saturdays. That's the only day I have available in the week to really sit down and put all my focus on my hair. I'm young..I'm about to be 23. I dont want to spend my whole weekend detangling my hair and miss out on having fun with my friends. I was invited to two parties today, but I turned them both down for my hair. Life is a lot better and easier when my hair is relaxed. If I decided to go natural, I don't think I would be able to transition..I would have to big chop right away :( This is hair has a mind of its own. My new growth is so strong , thick and resistant. And I'm done fighting this long battle with it. I'm throwing in the towel and relaxing for my birthday...*sigh*


Anonymous said...

You have to do what's best for you. At least you lasted 4 months that's good right there. Yeah, sounds like it's time to relax for you. As long as it's put's a different story and then you take it down and you have to deal with it and that's something else. I completely understand. Happy Birthday!

LadyTaurus said...

Thanks for the encouragement. Yes I will be relaxing in time for my birthday. Stay tuned foe results!